Thursday, October 31, 2019
The irrational side of change Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
The irrational side of change - Essay Example employees, capability building, role modeling by the managers that enable the employees realize the new change of character in their seniors and reinforcement of different mechanisms within the organization. Human nature is usually the major determinant of the level of success in implementing change in an organization. Human nature can hinder the successful implementation of change through the application of the four conditions explained in achieving success. In telling a compelling story, it is likely that not all employees will be impressed it. It is evident that a story that motivates one person will not have the same motivation on another employee. It is important that the employees get to narrate their own change story rather than the leaders being the ones to do so because the employees will be more committed to the result. In role modeling, the executives often believe that they are the core determinants of change in the organization without realizing that they too need to change (Price & Lawson, P. 15, 2003). To realize change it is important that various structures, processes, and systems are reinforced which can be achieved by rewarding the employees on the achievements unexpectedly. This will have a great impact on the organization’s performance because the impression is likely to last in them (Priestland & Hanig, p.113, 2005). Capability building is usually important in implementing change among the employees because what employees feel, belief and think will significantly drive their behavior. Skill building is important in implementing change but the employees should be allowed to practice what they learn and that barriers that hinder employees from practicing new skills should be
Monday, October 28, 2019
Transportation Management Essay Example for Free
Transportation Management Essay Transportation plays a vital role in the department of transport. Transportation includes road, railways, aviation, shipping etc. The mission of transportation is to safely cover the distance between the two destinations. The board known as the Transportation Research Board carries out these transportation objectives. This type of board mission is to create an innovation and to develop the growth of the transportation. The mission objective is to improve the steps that are earlier carried out by the transportation department. Modification should be the strategy among the board management. The change should be followed by the application or execution of the recent progress made by other countries in the means of transportation. The boards work is to share the rules or implications to the management authority. The management authority should split the information to the persons appointed to do the work. The practitioners should practice it and the researchers should implement it with proper management skills. Different countries have separate rules and regulation according to which different countries work out there system and police according to their plans. But the main theme of the transportation should safe, comfortable and no pestering occurs during transportation. For example it should be seen that the aviation transportation department should have the proper following rules for a free access of the transportation. Not only the air traffic should be well organized but also the customers services are also be managed by the management board. The ticketing system should have extra precaution arrangement as soon as the customers are purchasing a ticket. Flight fares with proper reservation of the seats should well clarify before purchasing it. Services to the customers on board should be well handed to the professionals who are related to the hospitality Industry. Airport authority management should be well organized in the planes arrival and departure. Organization teams should be well trained before they are put into practice. The board of aviation should chalk out there plans of the whole systems before operating it. (Trb, 2006) The American and European are usually initiated, financed and well constructed by the private enterprise. They are well maintained and sound controlled. The government has provided a lot of fund and opportunity to the private organization so that the citizen do not face problem in transportation. The private organization has taken the transport system quiet acutely and they had implemented the transport system in a well-organized manner. They normally solve the problem as quickly as possible without getting delayed. The more spontaneous they work out the problem it will be helpful to the board to go ahead with other situation that are creating or having a problem. The American and the European transport system facilities had developed so quickly that the other countries are planning to have that type of transportation system that they do not possess. Even the metro railway transportation system is better than that of India. They provide faster and advanced transportation system to the citizens that they dont face crisis situation. Compare and contrast comes when there are disadvantages seen in the transportation system in the countries of America and European countries. (Prisma-eu, 2007) As road transportation is concerned, the board should have an organized planning. Roads and highways should be well connected to each and every cities, towns and villages. Road tracks should not be having traffic problems and for that professionals should direct the traffic signal operation. To control the system in the streets and roads the board should appoint police those can gratis the traffic if any problem occurs. They should be skilled well and they should be taught with different problems of the roads rules and regulation safety norms so that they do not face any difficulty when they are in the operation. They should be provided with proper dress and the functions of the job should be distributed according to the work knowledge is concerned. Railway is another feature of transportation .The country progress depends on this very system others are also equally valuable but the railway transportation is one of the main criteria. For long distance travel, passengers are provided with better seating as well as the sleeping arrangements along with the service of food and beverages. Normally the travelers those who travel in trains can provide ample time for transportation and the fare here are also low in comparison to the airlines, road and shipping. Transportation in train takes a lot of time to cover the distance that the travelers want to travel, in comparison to other faster transportation. The board of railways should provide more facilities to its customers in terms of their previous arrangement of services that they have given earlier. Air transportation is receiving more customers than the railways because they are providing quicker destination service with an affordable rate. To cope with that type of facilities railways board of management taking actions of not increasing the price of the ticket and also in the service provided. The board always has to see that they do not loose its customers due to increase in the various area of transportation system. (Prisma-eu, 2006) References: Trb; 2006; Critical Issues in Transportation;; retrieved on 07.02.2008 from Prisma-eu; 2006; Implications of Pan-European best practice in eTransport delivery; Prisma-eu; 2007; eTransport 2010 vision;
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Ethics, Metaphysics and Epistemology
Ethics, Metaphysics and Epistemology Poyan Keynejad Group I: Ethics (#2) According to Aristotle, humans highest good involves the pursuit of deriving happiness from living and thinking well. To this end, Aristotle justifies this particular claim through explaining: the chief good is evidently something final. Now we call that which is in itself worthy of pursuit more final than that which is worthy of pursuit for the sake of something else. Now such a thing is happiness, for this we choose always for itself (Aristotle 570R/571L). In this light, Aristotles argument here is that the highest good can only be that which is achieved through actualizing something which is worthy of actualizing in and of itself, and for Aristotle nothing fits this description better than that of happiness, whether such happiness be derived from theoretical or practical pursuits. On the other hand, the Socrates of Platos Crito takes a slightly different approach to the highest goodness. Toward the beginning of Crito, Socrates remarks that the good life, the beautiful life, and the just life are the same (Plato 42R). To this end, the highest good for Socrates involves living responsibly and thoughtfully at all times and regardless of the context of ones circumstances. Socrates puts this idea of the highest goodness into action by refusing to flee his death sentence in Athens. Socrates makes the argument that in being an Athenian citizen, he has taken an oath to follow the rulings of Athenian law, regardless if such a law is used to condemn him to death. In defense of his responsibility to the rule of law, Socrates bemoans us to not value either your children or your life or anything else more than goodness, (Plato 46L) or, other words, living thoughtfully and responsibly. In weighing both of these arguments for the highest good against one another, I must say that while I do not inherently disagree with Socratess argument, I find Aristotles account of the highest good to be more compelling. This is because in Platos Crito Socrates only vaguely lays out a general philosophical conception of what it means to live a good life, whereas in Aristotles own conception of the highest good he lays out a structured argument for what such goodness entails, namely that the highest good must be something which is worthy of pursuing for the sake of itself, which for Aristotle is embodied in the actualization of happiness. In this light, I find Aristotles account of goodness more compelling than Socratess account because it is structured in a clear and logical manner. Though I will also qualify my remarks by saying that I do generally sympathize with Socratess conception of goodness; I just find it less compelling than Aristotles competing conception. Group II: Metaphysics (#4) Saint Anselm argues for the existence of god on the basis that god is something à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ [of] which nothing greater can be conceived, and thus according to this line of thought such a god cannot exist just in the understanding, [because] we could conceive it to exist in reality too, in which case it would be greater (Anselm 40R/41L). To this end, Anselm is maintaining that if one accepts the premise that god is something à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ [of] which nothing greater can be conceived, then it logically follows that such a god must exist, in that the only thing greater than having the concept of such a god in ones mind is the reality that that god exists outside of the mind, therefore fulfilling Anselms premise of god being something à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ [of] which nothing greater can be conceived (Anselm 40R). On the other hand, Saint Aquinas argues for the existence of god on the basis that every cause must have an action and thus that there must have been a first cause that was caused by god, seeing as how, at least in Aquinass eyes, the universe is finite and as such it must have originated from a first cause. To this end, Aquinas maintains that everything has been changed by something else, But this cannot go back to infinity. If it did, there would be no first cause of change and, consequently, no other causes of change, (Aquinas 43L) meaning that without a first cause there would be no universe in the first place. In this light, Aquinas posits that the only thing capable of causing the first cause is god, and thus he bases his argument for gods existence on the idea that such a god would have been necessary to cause a finite universe. From my own amateur perspective, I find Aquinass aforementioned argument for the existence of god to be stronger than Anselms argument. This is because Anselms argument for gods existence seems grounded purely in rhetoric and semantics, as if his argument were just a word game. On the other hand, Aquinass argument for gods existence is grounded in a problem of physics that, short of modern science, only the existence of a god could reasonably resolve. The premise that a finite universe must have had a first cause is a premise that virtually any person could easily accept. Thus on the basis of its premise and its logical conclusion, Aquinass argument for god seems stronger than Anselms argument. With regard to persuasiveness, Aquinass argument for gods existence is certainly persuasive in the sense that one cannot rationally conceive of a finite universe that did not bear a first cause, in that such a universes very finiteness requires an originary causation. Thus, short of having any knowledge of the Big Bag, Aquinass contention that god must have caused the first cause is a reasonable one, as it would be difficult to come up with an idea of any other entity that could be capable of causing the first cause. Group III: Epistemology (#6) Descartes imagines an evil demon at the end of Meditation because he uses this concept to illustrate that most knowledge is dubious and that one must start from a position of skepticism if they are to be able to truly find a trustworthy foundation for verifiable knowledge. To this end, Descartes remarks how, in realizing that he would need to start his pursuit of knowledge from scratch, I would need to tear down everything and begin anew from the foundations if I wanted to establish any firm and lasting knowledge (Descartes 157L). Thus, in devising a theoretical evil demon that can mislead humans into positions of false knowledge, Descartes is beginning to tear down everything and begin anew in his pursuit of firm and lasting knowledge (Descartes 157L). Zhuangzi makes similar arguments in pursuit of establishing skepticism in his own scholarship. For one, Zhuangzi makes the skeptical argument that knowledge is ultimately impossible because, for him, the divide between subjectivity and objectivity cannot be overcome. He argues such because he maintains that Everything is merely subjective; there is no such thing as objectivity. So there is no such thing as knowledge (Zhuangzi 322). In this sense, he views knowledge as impossible because humans are only capable of having imperfect subjective perspectives. Building off of this contention of ultimate subjectivity, Zhuangzi makes another skeptical argument on the basis of universal variability, with universal variability being the notion that since everyone perceives things differently, There is no way to decide which perceptions ought to be trusted, (Zhuangzi 322) which again provides us with the implication that objective knowledge is impossible. The main similarity between Descartess skepticism and Zhuangzis skepticism is that both philosophers make certain theoretical arguments in order to illustrate how, in many cases (or in all cases for Zhuangzi), what we take to be knowledge is in fact quite untrustworthy. On the other hand, the main difference between Descartess skepticism and Zhuangzis skepticism lies in what both are trying to achieve through their skeptical arguments. Descartess only endeavors in skepticism so that he can weed out all false knowledge from his perspective and thereafter establish a firm foundation for real knowledge. On the flip side, Zhuangzi does not have a constructive end to his skepticism, in that he maintains his skeptical arguments solely for the purpose of illustrating how there can be no firm foundation for real knowledge. In this sense, Descartess goals and Zhuangzis goals are quite different when it comes to skepticism.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Alkanes :: essays research papers
Alkanes The alkanes are the simplest form of organic compounds. They are made up of only Carbon atoms and Hydrogen atoms. All of the bonds are single and the number of hydrogen atoms versus carbon atoms follows this formula: CnH2n+2 Alkanes are all non-polar molecules so they aren't soluble in water. Here are some more facts. -Referred to as "Saturated" -They have -low densities -low melting points -low boiling points -Refer to "Slide 29" sheet We couldn't find any information on who discovered them. Or on the what, where, or when. However the first alkane that was discovered was probably methane. Because, of course, this is the gas that cows belch. The journal of toxology report that a 15 year old boy was stricken with hemiparesis "resulting from acute intoxication following inhalation of butane gas." Hemiparesis is when half of a person's body is paralyzed. Through reactions alkanes can be transformed into chloroform. This has been shown to accumulate in lungs of swimmers after they swim for extended periods of time. As mentioned above chloroform can be produced which can be used for anesthesia. Also dichloromethane, or paint stripper and 1,2-dichloroethane which is a dry cleaning fluid. Here is a sample reaction where a halogen replaces a hydrogen. CH4(g) + C12(g) ----> CH3Cl(g) + HCl(g) There are many uses for alkanes, for instance: Propane is used in gas grills, butane is used in cigarette lighters, through various reactions scientists can make paint stripper, anesthesia or dry cleaning fluid. The Pentanes and Hexanes are also highly flammable and make really cool explosions. Heptane, octane and nonane make up gasoline. The "Octane Scale" on gas pumps uses a system which rates n-heptane at a 0 and isooctane at 100. Currently propane gas is being studied to use it as a fuel for more
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Advantages and disadvantages of franchising Essay
Franchising has exhibited dramatic growth since it offers some significant advantages when compared to other distribution methods. When starting a business or venturing into entrepreneurship, it is imperative for one to consider all options. One of the most suitable ways of achieving such an objective is to buy into a franchise. Business are able to expand by franchising in order to gain access to external capital that can fund growth of new outlets or stores that are run by committed and profit driven franchisees CITATION Fra12 l 1033 (Frazer, Merrilees, & Wright, 2012). These franchisees are more likely to be focused and diligent than employed staff. Therefore, Franchising allows individuals to become their own boss. For people who want to apply franchising in the Chinese market, they may wish weight all options. Franchising is one the best solution for transitioning from employment to a business owner. There are several businessmen and businesswomen who have thrived and successfully transformed their financial lives through franchising. Venturing into franchising has its benefits and also some drawbacks. Besides the startup capital required to become a franchisee, there is little planning and thought that is required when setting up the new business. The new store or outlet has to conform to the image that the franchisor has already set up. Small details such as the color scheme, to the inventory items to be placed on the menu or on the shelves, are all determined by the franchisor. This arrangement makes is easier for the franchisee to set up the business and increases the chances of success CITATION Hun11 l 1033 (Hunter, 2011). Most franchisors give the franchisee detailed training in order to ensure that they develop the required level of expertise to achieve profitability. This allows the franchisee to have a piece of minds knowing that the company is steering the business in the right direction. One does not have to develop an advertising strategy or solid branding as this is done by the franchisor. Although franchising might be perceived as an ideal solution by some individuals, others cite throwbacks of the business model. Therefore, they prefer multi-level marketing or network marketing, which allows one to become a distributor of a product of and established and a reputable company. This allows one to leverage on the advantages of being a franchisee whilst overcoming some of the disadvantages associated with it CITATION Hun11 l 1033 (Hunter, 2011). Firstly, multilevel marketing or network marketing products usually have a good level of branding in that, consumers are able to recognize the product that is offered to them. Although franchisees also have this advantage, they do not have the freedom to come up with unique structures when it comes to the distribution business. Network marking will, therefore, allow one to have free reign to market their business in whichever way they like CITATION Fra12 l 1033 (Frazer, Merrilees, & Wright, 2012). Another advantage that network marketing has over franchising is that little startup capital is required to become a distributor. One is only required to pay a little amount of money to join a network, while some networks require annual fees CITATION Hun11 l 1033 (Hunter, 2011). Additionally, one may be required to purchase the product in advance so that it can be delivered to the customers as the sales are made. All in all, the total amount of money required to run a profitable network is far less than what is required when one is a franchise. References BIBLIOGRAPHY Frazer, L., Merrilees, B., & Wright, O. (2012). Power and control in the franchise network: An investigation of ex-franchisees and brand piracy. Journal of Marketing Management, 11-29. Hunter, R. (2011). MASTER FRANCHISING AS AN ENTRY STRATEGY: MARKETING AND LEGAL IMPLICATIONS. The Coastal Business Journal, 16-27. Source document
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Free Appearances Informative Essay
Free Appearances Informative Essay Appearances The social order of a modern theater differs from that of the Elizabethan era At that time, theaters were open-air and served as the main places of entertainment for all classes. Consequently, they were attended by everyone, from workers to lords and the Queen. The rich and noble were also anxious to be seen in all their grandeur, and those who strived to seem richer and rise above the crowd could achieve it when attending a theater. In theaters of old times, there were two distinct areas. The first was a cheaper, not prestigious yard with many inconveniences from rain, snow, and terrible smell to pushing neighbors and pickpocketing. The second area was the galleries, partially or fully free from this discomfort, but also featuring seats. Seating higher and closer to the stage in the galleries was also directly associated with prestige. As the above-mentioned inconveniences are not present in modern theaters, and everyone now has a seat, those criteria are no more relevant. Today, the main criterion for choosing a seat is how well the performance can be seen from it So, the best seating is in the front orchestra. Prices there are the highest, and the seats are referred as premium. However, they do not contribute to the status of people sitting there; it is merely an optimal angle of view and distance. Because of these changes, the boxes are not generally considered a good place for watching a production; though in Britain, for instance, private boxes keep their traditional exclusive status and are used by the high class. Nevertheless, in general, people from high classes craving for publicity can obtain it elsewhere without visiting theaters. As people now can have their quantum of fun by watching TV, going to cinemas, surfing the Internet or reading books, theater is not the only entertainment for them. So, poor people and people with a low education level go to the theater less frequently than in Shakespeares time. These days, theater audience mostly consists of those who love theatrical performances or just want to be more intelligent and exp and their experiences.
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