Wednesday, May 20, 2020
The Meaning of Diversity Among the Professorateâ€A...
The Meaning of Diversity Among the Professorateâ€â€A Literature Review Different aspects of diversity in higher education are an ongoing topic of debate. In order for us to address the issue of diversity, we need to understand what diversity means. This paper reviews a study used at the University of Florida to assess their faculty’s meaning of diversity. It also looked at the faculty’s openness to diversity and the effect diversity has had on them. Researchers at Weber State University could use this, or a similar study, to gain an understanding of what diversity means to faculty at Weber State, as well as diversity’s impact. Literature Review Hon, Weigold, Chance (1999) conducted a study in an attempt to answer two questions: what†¦show more content†¦They collected data using a survey, which began with four open-ended questions. How has diversity affected your professional life? How will diversity affect you in the future? What concerns, hopes and fears do you have about diversity? What can the college do to address diversity issues and opportunities? They used those questions to make a self-administered questionnaire geared towards finding faculty’s beliefs and attitudes concerning diversity in several areas. Two demographic questions were also included, one dealing with status and one dealing with tenure. The findings of Hon et al. (1999) were that most of the faculty thought diversity had minimal if any affect. Most of the faculty responded that they did not believe diversity would have any impact on them in the future. The majority of faculty indicated concerns, instead of hopes, about diversity. Several of the concerns expressed were worries about political correctness and hiring to fill quotas. Most of the responses about the role of administration to address diversity issues were negative. The wording of the question elicited negative responses about administration in general. Future studies could benefit from rewording the question. However, the most important findings concerned the faculty’s preferred definition of diversity. Responses suggested that faculty had different opinions about what made up a diverse faculty on top of the standard race,
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Effects Of The Black Death On The Economy - 930 Words
The Black Death or more commonly known as Bubonic Plague, decimated European society in the mid 14 century to the extent that it has not been seen since in human history. It not only killed fifty to sixty percent of the population, but it also brought huge changes to the people of Europe. The impact of the plague caused effects on the economy, society, family structure, public policy, health science, religion, philosophy and literature. Its’ effects would last until the eighteenth century and beyond. The population would not be replenished to levels before the plague until well into twentieth century. The effects of the Black Death, or Bubonic Plague, had severe effects on the economy and society of Europe. Ironically, the laws and responses made by different European states had a much more negative effect on the economy of Europe than it would be hoped. It is important to note that different groups of people fared better than others. For example, there are a few groups in the Northeast of Europe that were not even affected by the plague where people on the coast of the Mediterranean had the highest mortality rates. However, it is quite possible that these groups were affected but there are no surviving records of any deaths, leading historians to believe that the places like Prague in the Czech Republic were untouched. One of the reasons that the Black Plague was so devastating was because the people of Europe had been experiencing a severe times ever since the centuryShow MoreRelatedEssay on Economic Effects of the Black Plague in England1748 Words  | 7 Pagesfamine, disease and economic decay, leading to what many historians believe to be the end of the Middle Ages. Although there were many contributing factors such as famine, collapsing institutions and war. Many historians believe the arrival of the Black Death to England in 1348 was the final straw, and the most impactful agent of change in that area. In a letter to his brother, Petrarch wrote, â€Å"When has any such thing been even heard or seen; in what annals has it ever been read that houses were leftRead MoreThe Black Death s Effects On Europe1470 Words  | 6 PagesThe Black Death’s Effects on Europe Cole Younger WH2 11-20-15 Rough Draft The disastrous plague called the Black Death had monumental, long lasting effects that would ultimately change the fate of the entire continent of Europe. The mid-1300s in Europe were part of the Dark Ages. Human populations were near over-crowding, and the land was stretched to produce food. Mother Nature created a drastic solution. The world lifted a bleak shadow of death and chaos over the people ofRead MoreThe Black Death s Effects On Europe1454 Words  | 6 Pages The disastrous plague called the Black Death had monumental, long lasting effects that would ultimately change the fate of the entire continent of Europe. The mid-1300s in Europe were part of the Dark Ages. Human populations were near over-crowding, and the land was stretched to produce food. Mother Nature created a drastic solution. The world lifted a bleak shadow of death and chaos over the people of Europe in the form of plague. It originated from fleas, but rats carried the fleas with this plagueRead MoreEffect s of the Black Death of the 1300s Essay examples682 Words  | 3 PagesThe Black Plague (also known as the Black Death or Bubonic Plague) of the 1300s is considered by many historians to be one of the most influential events in the history of Europe. Originating in Asia, the Black Plague has three forms; Bubonic which affects the lymph nodes, pneumonic which affects the lungs, and septicemia which affects the blood. Through examining the effects of the Plague on Europe and its people, it is clear that politics, social life, and economics were all irreparably thrownRead MoreThe Black Death And Its Impact On Society1291 Words  | 6 PagesThroughout history many natural events have had a profound effect on mankind, but few of these events have shaped history and culture as profoundly as the Black Death. The Black Death was the name given to the deadly disease that hugely disrupted Europe between 1347 and 1351. The disaster influenced and altered all aspects of European life. Thi s major catastrophe had many later effects, however due to 50 million deaths, people s economic status shifted and these changes left a lasting impact uponRead MoreThe Death Of The Black Death1148 Words  | 5 PagesThe Black Death, one of the greatest natural disaster to hit Europe thus causing the death of many people in the most horrific manner and cause the end of feudalism. This was a disaster that affected one third of the European continent and also one that no one was prepared to face. It killed more people than during a war and it impacted simple lives of people, their culture, religion and the economy as a whole. The origin of The Black Death has several explanations. Some people said The Black DeathRead MoreHow The Black Death Influenced Life1399 Words  | 6 PagesExplain how the Black Death influenced life in Europe The Black Death had a significant negative effect on both the economy of Europe and the Catholic Church during and after it s prime, proving to ruin the lives of many both directly and indirectly subject to the plague. However, it can be argued that the Black Death prompted a restructure in feudalism, increasing equality in society. The Bubonic Plague became prominent in 1347 AD, tearing through the lives of many throughout Europe. A major financialRead MoreThe Plague Of Europe And Asia1165 Words  | 5 Pagesthese problems are somewhat unrelated, they all stem from the same source, the Bubonic Plague. The bubonic plague started in Asia, and spread its way into parts of Northern Africa and Europe devastating everything in its path. Not only did the Black Death effect the people of Europe and Asia, it effected their economic, social, and religious lives as well . During the early 1300’s in Asia, a group of Mongols were traveling through southwestern China . Their goal was to invade the entirety of China withRead MoreThe Black Plague Of Middle Ages1257 Words  | 6 Pagesvile disease that enveloped Europe. The Black Plague thrived in the conditions that Europe and its climate harbored along with the filthy living conditions of European cities. The declination of population was immense and altered the way the economy, arts, and religion of Middle Aged society was structured. Carrying along with these byproducts of such a devastating epidemic are the emergence of influential artists and philosophers of the time. The Black Plague originated in China (Europe’s PlaguesRead MoreThe Black Death : A Silent, Catastrophic Killer1326 Words  | 6 Pages The Black Death: A Silent, Catastrophic Killer In 1347, merchants arrived in Sicily from a trading trip in China. They carried Chinese goods on board with them, but they harbored an unknown killer, as well. Hiding on the rats living on board the cargo vessel was the bacteria Yersinia Pestis, or what would later become known as the Black Death.The Black Death was a disease that destroyed much of Europe’s population throughout the 14th century. This rodent-borne disease was a huge obstacle in human
Satyapaul Essay Example For Students
Satyapaul Essay INTERNSHIP REPORT Genesis Colors pvt. Ltd. : Satya paul Richa Tiwari MFM: 09-11 GENESIS COLORS PVT LTD Genesis Colors Genesis Colors pvt. Ltd. Genesis luxury BRANDS †¢ GENESIS COLORS Genesis Colors (P) Ltd. was established in 2001 with a vision to create a global fashion conglomerate on the lines of international fashion houses. While taking premium Indian fashion labels to the world the company has also pioneered the concept of luxury retail in India. GENESIS LUXURY After spear heading corporatisation in the Indian fashion industry with premium designer labels such as Satya Paul, Deepika Gehani, Samsaara, Shobhaa De and Bwitch, Genesis Colors Pvt Limited, established in 2001, forayed in the year 2008 into the marketing and distribution in India for world-renowned luxury brands through its new division, Genesis Luxury Fashion Pvt. Ltd. †¢ SATYA PAUL †¢ Satya Paul is a renowned name in the world of women’s wear for his creative genius in the area of exquisite prints. Satya Paul is known for his designs inspired from the Mother Nature. The designer gets the inspiration from the life and from the whole world around us. †¢ Initially the Satya Paul line consisted of sarees and fabrics but eventually expanded to include scarves and ties which are in its collections today. †¢ Today Paul’s son Puneet is the head designer for the Satya Paul brand. He works with weavers, printers and craftsmen to combine traditional methods and modern technology. With his clothes Satya Paul hopes to make an impact on the world OTHER BRANDS DEEPIKA GEHANI Samsara B! witch Tie Rack †¢ Deepika’s collections are characterized as refreshingly feminine and chic. Associated with Genesis Colors Pvt. Ltd. since 2005, the brand has won accolades for cutting edge designs at Indian and international fashion events. †¢ This luxurious abode of fashion, which has more than a dozen high-end concept boutiques across India and the Gulf, is a onestop designer destination that provides high fashion clothing, shoes, accessorie s and home furnishings †¢ India’s very own designer lingerie label is youthful, seductive, and fashionable lingerie for the contemporary Indian woman. A style for every mood, thought and occasion that not only compliments the outfit but also accentuates her form. Genesis Colors signed a licensing agreement with Tie Rack London and brought the brand in India in May 2009. Accessory range available in Tie Rack stores in India includes ties, cufflinks, shirts, watches, belts, wallets, silk scarves, sunglasses, portfolio bags for men. THE INFRASTRUCTURE Design studio Manufacturing The inception of the Satya Paul Design Studio dates back to 1985, at a time when the Indian fashion Industry was still at a nascent stage; it immediately established itself with the originality and quality of its printed fabrics and garments. Over the years, the in-house digital design studio has developed into a benchmark not just for aesthetics but also for its technical prowess. It encompasses the entire design process from yarn and weaves, printing, embroideries and hand painting to patterns, accessorising and finishing. Genesis Colors is one of the few companies that can boast of technology driven, fully automated production facilities in Mumbai and Gurgaon. These state-of-the-art facilities feature highly advanced machinery and a collective workforce of more than a thousand skilled professionals. Matched with a dedicated quality conscious production team, these facilities comprise of specific units for printing, dyeing, embroidery and stitching. MISSION The Satya Paul label’s mission is to serve its muse, the Satya Paul customer. She is the global woman of today; intelligent, responsive, fulfilling many roles – nurturer, corporate hi-flier, world citizen and ecological guardiansecure in her own skin. The label answers her sartorial needs with the Satya Paul product line saries, fusion and western clothing; scarves, stoles, bags, accessories and fabric. Tools used are colour and print, textile and texture, line and silhouette, but most of all a sensibility that reaches beyond pure fashion and has everything to do with style. BRAND STRATEGY †¢ Satya Paul Design Studio’s growth springs from a proactive responsiveness; responsiveness to the customer, the environment, the rich Indian culture and heritage. †¢ The studio operates from the strength of being a brand that originated the vertically integrated, concept-to-customer process, a process that begins with the yarn and extends to the stand-alone or franchisee store. The merchandising though, does not begin with or end there; at Satya Paul, the catwalk presentation is intrinsic to the entire process. Great works of art inspire design and fabric motifs; live music orchestrates a catwalk presentation, making it a memorable visual experience, aiding top-of-the mind brand recall! This reaffirms Satya Paul’s connectedness to the world we live in and design for. BRAN D PRESENCE Augmenting the brand’s stature and establishing its global presence is a dedicated workforce of over 300 trained professionals in design and business. The studio’s wellnetworked marketing team distributes the product through a chain of exclusive salons, stand-alone and franchisee shops, premier fashion stores and boutiques throughout India and in several foreign cities. Genesis Colors Pvt. Ltd. , the holding company, works on increasing exports through new avenues in countries like UAE, Hong Kong, Singapore, United Kingdom, Sri Lanka, Ireland, Germany, Italy, U. S. A and France. TEAM The brand is lead by Sanjay Kapoor, who oversees Finance and Marketing Jyoti Narula, who is hands onto Operations and Logistics and Puneet Nanda, who is the Design head for Satya Paul. MANUFACTURING PROCESS The Satya Paul manufacturing process incorporates updated traditional techniques and modern technology. The strictest quality control measures are integral to the entire process and a respect for worker, community and the environment informs all that the label initiates, whether it is management-staff relationships or the eco-conscious work processes. My Trip to El Salvador EssayThis is expected to place the product not for connoisseur segment but definitely for the premium segment of the Indian market. PRICE- BRAND PERCEPTION PRICE PERCEPTION TITAN (sonata) maxima HMT Timex TITAN (fastrack) TANISHQ TITAN(Raga) ROLEX CITIZEN CASIO RADO ROLEX BRANDS P R I C E TANISHQ ZEIT RADO CASIO CITIZEN TITAN(Raga) TITAN (sonata) maxima HMT Timex TITAN (fastrack) PERCEPTION WATCH MARKET MAP Formal / Classic Omega,Rado, Longines Raymond Weil Tissot Timex TITAN, RAGA Citizen Nebula Sonata, HMT, Maxima Zeit By SP XYLYS Price Rs 500 1000 2000 4000 5000 10000 20,000 + Espirit, Swatch Fossil Giordano, DKNY, Carrera Tommy Hilfiger Fastrack Tag Heuer Hugo Boss C Dior Fashion/Sporty AS A PRODUCT †¢After studying the consumer review while survey we came to the conclusion that chain straps are in the vogue and preferred by the masses. †¢As such the Indian brand for designer watches is not present. Hence, Satya Paul stands a good chance of standing in the market with a unique identity for the Designer watches. Features for the product will be as follows: †¢ Product is delicate and should carry the potential to cater to then high end market segment. It is a luxury product, status symbol. †¢ They are high quality, precious, delicate. †¢ Prefer to have the precious stones and the chain strap as survey depicts the same that most preferences are of the leather straps and chain straps. PRICE †¢The penetration price strategy will be adapted to market ZEIT to the customers. The price will be set in the range of 4,000 INR to 15,000 I NR at introduction stage and price will be reviewed at later stage of product lifecycle. †¢Consumers generally prefer to spend Rs. 5000 to Rs. 25000 on a watch. where as segment of Rs. 5000-Rs. 0, 000. Is preferred by 50% of the consumer market. †¢ We als o analyze d that people are ready to shell rs 5000 – rs 15000 for a SP watch †¢S o w e w o u l d p r e f e r i f t h e range of our maximum watches lies in this range o n l y. †¢G o i n g b e l o w 5 0 0 0 i n r w o u l d not help us to give the image of brand of upper middle †¢A l s o a n a l y z i n g t h e b a s i c consumer market we would suggest to have that maximum potential of the market lies in this segment o n l y. CHANNEL MARGINS 8-10% Manufacturer Distributer Satya Paul Retailer Final Cons ume r 0% + VAT Net Line Discount= (30% of MRP+ VAT) + 8-10%; When product is sent outside Delhi Net Line Discount= (30% of MRP+ VAT) COMPETITORS PRICE RANGE ANNUAL SALES IN PIECES PROMINENT BRANDS Rs. 20,000 to Rs. 50,000 30,000-35,000 (ESTIMATED) Baume Mercier, Movado, Rado, Longines, Tissot, Raymond Well, Tag Heuer, Christian Dior etc. Rado, Longines, Tissot, Citizen, Titan, Camera etc. Titan, Tissot, Citizen,Pierre Cardin, Raymond Renee, CAT, Romanson, Tommy Hilfiger, Fossil, DKNY etc. Titan, Esprit, Pierre Cardin, Times, Citizen, Romanson, Raymond Renee, Sandoz, Casio, Swatch, Giordano, D’signer etc. Titan, Sonata, Timex, HMT, Maxima Casio, Cizer, D’signer, QQ etc. Rs. 10,000 to Rs. 20,000 40,000-50,000 Rs. 5,000 to Rs. 10,000 2 to 2. 5 lac. Rs. 2,500 to Rs. 5,000 3 to 3. 5 lac Rs. 750 – Rs. 2500 40 to 45 lac STP Segmentation †¢ Geographic Segmentation: Metro cities †¢ Demographic Segmentation: 25 yrs. above, Upper middle Premium income group †¢ Psychographic Segmentation: Elite / Professional class, Businessmen, Market savvy, high profile executive †¢ Behaviouralistic Segmentation: Brand conscious, Fashion conscious, Who wants to communicate wealth, Has jewelry as weakness, Project a confident image Target Already existing Satyapaul’s customers fashion conscious people Positioning Premium designer brand MERCHANDISING DEPARTMENT Merchandiser plans Merchandiser has to the activities manage every single depending on the essentials or nonproduction has to essentials, and top follow-up the priority are given to execution in the planned way. the most essential tasks. LEARNING Merchandiser has to In a daily schedule, reorganize the merchandiser has to schedules to carry-out and accomplish tasks, categorize which is output capacity, no. f pieces to be produced the most significant daily, substitute and urgent task and arrangements, time have to be corrected availability, supply time, by prioritizing to scheduling critical ratio, meet the deadlines. etc. OTHER LEARNING OBSERVATIONS Satya paul has two types of stores: On the basis of products: †¢ Accessories stores †¢ Sarees stores On the basis of ownership †¢ Company owned †¢ Franchisee They have 3 warehouse s: †¢ Khandsa: for accessories manufacturing of ties †¢ Mahipalpur: for sarees †¢ Corporate office basement: Miscellaneous products I also learnt the use of Microsoft Navision software, which is a complete enterprise resource planning (ERP) solution for midsized organizations that is fast to implement, easy to configure, and simple to use. Right from the start, simplicity has guidedâ€â€and continues to guideâ€â€innovations in product design, development, implementation, and usability. All stores are connected through LAN on Navision OTHER LEARNING †¢ With the help of Navisiosn, the merchandiser compares the Base stock level (BSL) and actual stock level (ASL) of each store. †¢ After which, if BSLASL, the store manager is asked to outward the nonmoving products if BSL
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